
One wrong decision made Nisha live away from her family for three years

image Sathi India
June 3, 2021

Nisha (name changed), a 14-year old girl is an inhabitant of a small village named Dehrigown of Moradabad district in UP. Her mother left the family because she wanted to live in a separate house with her husband, but Nisha’s father was unable to fulfil this wish. In her absence, the care of Nisha and her elder brother became the responsibility of her aunt, who gave basic facilities to the children.

Both Nisha and her brother studied in a school, but she was less interested in studies. She wanted to join a beautician course with her cousin (her aunt’s daughter). One day, her cousin stole some money from the wallet of her uncle and put the blame on Nisha. At that time, Nisha get scared and she thought that if her father came to know about it, he would surely beat her. With this fear, Nisha decided to leave home and came at Moradabad railway junction. She boarded a train that was stationed there and reached Lucknow railway station. At Lucknow, she was rescued by Childline and referred to Govt. Children Home (Girls), Lucknow. From there, she was transferred to Kanpur Govt. Children Home in February 2014.

Nisha was a sweet girl and with her soft behaviour, she had won everybody’s hearts. SATHI staff first contacted her in May 2016. In the initial counselling sessions, she said that she did not want to go back home because she still feared that her father will beat her. After repeated interactions with the child, the counsellor was successful in removing this fear from the child’s mind. She also realized that she was not at fault and the only mistake she made was to take the decision to leave home in a hurry. Eventually Nisha showed willingness to go home and her adress tracing process was started.

She did not remember the contact number of any family member. She only mentioned about a “Hanuman Murti” situated near her house in Moradabad. With the help of staff of Police Headquarters of Moradabad, it was found that the description matched a location which came under Katghar Police station limits. Katghar Police then made efforts to search the family of the child and were able to make contact with the elder uncle of Nisha. He became very emotional after coming to know about Nisha, and in spite of his bad health, he was ready to come to Kanpur. SATHI staff explained to him the procedure of restoration and advised him to send the father of the child.

Nisha’s father continuously made calls to the staff to talk to his daughter. On the day they met each other, her father embraced her and love and tears flowed. Father did not know the actual reasons behind Vishaka’s leaving home. He had only assumed that Nisha got angry on some issues and left home. After she went missing, her father tried to find out about her in local places, relatives but was not successful. He was very happy to get back his daughter and even Nisha promised never to repeat the incident again. She had studied up to 4th standard in the GCH and wants to continue her study after going back home. During telephonic follow-up, it was found that she was living with her father and was waiting for the new academic year to get admitted to school.

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